About Our Church
Our Beliefs
We believe...
- In God who is revealed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
- That sin has broken the relationship God intended for us and separates us from God and each other.
- In Jesus Christ, the Son, whose life, death, and resurrection reconciles humanity and all creation to God.
- That we are made right with God by Jesus Christ and not because of any effort on our part.
- In the Holy Spirit, who gives life by drawing us into the community of faith in Jesus who forgives us and makes us new.
- That our life and purpose is to give thanks to God for this great mercy and grace, sharing the good news with others.
- The Bible as the written Word of God is the rule and norm for our fatih and life.
Mission Projects
At St. Peter's, we are part of the following missions:
- Companions with the Iyunga Parish of the Evangelical Lutheran Church Konde Diocese, Tanzania, East Africa
- Food ingathering for the York County Food Bank and other local food banks
- Site for a CommunityAid clothing bin (clothing and shoes only)
- Site for meetings of Al-Anon, Alcoholics Anonymous, CoDA, and others
- Support of York Lutheran Tutoring Program
Outreach Ministries
St. Peter's Lutheran Church has a partnership with CommunityAid. There is a donation bin in our parking lot or donations can be dropped off at the store. Click on the image to the upper right for more information for dropping off donations.
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